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Webinaire : Diversifiez votre portefeuille structurel : Le bois dans les constructions commerciales de faible hauteur

Aperçu de l'événement
Découvrez comment intégrer le bois dans les bâtiments commerciaux de faible hauteur, optimiser la sélection des matériaux et éviter les pièges les plus courants lors de ce webinaire gratuit.
Date et heure
1.5 hours
Alex Nowakowksi
Tacoma Engineers
Description de l'Événement

We will explore the use cases for incorporating more wood into a sector that is typically dominated by structural steel construction. We will look at Light Wood Framing (LWF), Structural Composite Lumber (SCL), Mass Timber (MT) as well as Hybrid Systems that incorporate, which can include all or some of the above, as well as structural steel. What is important is using the right material in the right application. But perhaps more importantly is where NOT to use a material. Several examples from the CWC Publication “Low-Rise Commercial Construction in Wood: A guide for Architects and Engineers”, as well as real project examples from the presenter.

Résultats de l'apprentissage :

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of various wood products.
  • Learn to select the right wood material/system for the most efficient and cost effective structure.
  • Highlight critical details and identify potential red flags to ensure a successful project.
  • Provide useful examples, resources and tools for the practitioner to add to their “tool belt”.


Sponsored by Ontario Structural Wood Association

Fourni par 

WoodWorks Ontario



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