Oriented Strand Lumber

Oriented Strand Lumber (OSL) Oriented Strand Lumber (OSL) provides attributes such as high strength, high stiffness and dimensional stability. The manufacturing process of OSL enables large members to be made from relatively small trees, providing efficient utilization of forest resources. OSL is used primarily as structural framing for residential, commercial and industrial construction. Common applications of OSL in construction include headers and beams, tall wall studs, rim board, sill plates, millwork and window framing. OSL also offers good fastener-holding strength. Similar to laminated strand lumber (LSL), OSL is made from flaked wood strands that have a length-to-thickness ratio of approximately 75. The wood strands used in OSL are shorter than those in LSL. Combined with an adhesive, the strands are oriented and formed into a large mat or billet and pressed. OSL resembles oriented strand board (OSB) in appearance as they are both fabricated from the similar wood species and contain flaked wood strands, however, unlike OSB, the strands in OSL are arranged parallel to the longitudinal axis of the member. OSL is a solid, highly predictable, uniform engineered wood product due to the fact that natural defects such as knots, slope of grain and splits have been dispersed throughout the material or have been removed altogether during the manufacturing process. Like other SCL products such as LVL and PSL, OSL offers predictable strength and stiffness properties and dimensional stability that minimize twist and shrinkage. All special cutting, notching or drilling should be done in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Manufacturer’s catalogues and evaluation reports are the primary sources of information for design, typical installation details and performance characteristics. As with any other wood product, OSL should be protected from the weather during jobsite storage and after installation. Wrapping of the product for shipment to the job site is important in providing moisture protection. End and edge sealing of the product will enhance its resistance to moisture penetration. OSL is a proprietary product and therefore, the specific engineering properties and sizes are unique to each manufacturer. Thus, OSL does not have a common standard of production and common design values. Design values are derived from test results analysed in accordance with CSA O86 and ASTM D5456 and the design values are reviewed and approved by the Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC). Products meeting the CCMC guidelines receive an Evaluation Number and Evaluation Report that includes the specified design strengths, which are subsequently listed in CCMC’s Registry of Product Evaluations. The manufacturer’s name or product identification and the stress grade is marked on the material at various intervals, but due to end cutting it may not be present on every piece. For further information, refer to the following resources: APA – The Engineered Wood Association Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC), Institute for Research in Construction CSA O86 Engineering design in wood ASTM D5456 Standard Specification for Evaluation of Structural Composite Lumber Products
Panel Products

By using roundwood that is often not be suitable for lumber production, wood-based panels make efficient use of the forest resource by providing engineered wood products with defined strength and stiffness properties. Wood-based structural panels such as plywood and oriented strand board (OSB) are widely used in residential and commercial construction. Wood-based panels are often overlaid on joists or light frame trusses and used as structural sheathing for floor, roofs and wall assemblies. These products provide rigidity to the supporting main structural members in addition to their function as a component of the building envelope. In addition, they are often an integral component of the lateral force resisting system of a wood building. In order to qualify for a particular end use, such as structural sheathing, flooring or exterior siding, wood-based panels must meet performance criteria related to three aspects: structural performance, physical properties and bond performance. For more information on performance rating and potential end uses of wood-based panel products, refer to APA – The Engineered Wood Association.
Parallel Strand Lumber

Parallel Strand Lumber (PSL) Parallel Strand Lumber (PSL) provides attributes such as high strength, high stiffness and dimensional stability. The manufacturing process of OSL enables large members to be made from relatively small trees, providing efficient utilization of forest resources. In Canada, PSL is fabricated using Douglas fir. PSL is employed primarily as structural framing for residential, commercial and industrial construction. Common applications of PSL in construction include headers, beams and lintels in light-frame construction and beams and columns in post and beam construction. PSL is an attractive structural material which is suited to applications where finished appearance is important. Similar to laminated strand lumber (LSL) and oriented strand lumber (OSL), PSL is made from flaked wood strands that are arranged parallel to the longitudinal axis of the member and have a length-to-thickness ratio of approximately 300. The wood strands used in PSL are longer than those used to manufacture LSL and OSL. Combined with an exterior waterproof phenol-formaldehyde adhesive, the strands are oriented and formed into a large billet, then pressed together and cured using microwave radiation. PSL beams are available in thicknesses of 68 mm (2-11/16 in), 89 mm (3-1/2 in), 133 mm (5-1/4 in), and 178 mm (7 in) and a maximum depth of 457 mm (18 in). PSL columns are available in square or rectangular dimensions of 89 mm (3-1/2 in), 133 mm (5-1/4 in), and 178 mm (7 in). The smaller thicknesses can be used individually as single plies or can be combined for multi-ply applications. PSL can be made in long lengths but it is usually limited to 20 m (66 ft) by transportation constraints. PSL is a solid, highly predictable, uniform engineered wood product due to the fact that natural defects such as knots, slope of grain and splits have been dispersed throughout the material or have been removed altogether during the manufacturing process. Like the other SCL products (LVL, LSL and OSL), PSL offers predictable strength and stiffness properties and dimensional stability. Manufactured at a moisture content of 11 percent, PSL is less prone to shrinking, warping , cupping, bowing and splitting. All special cutting, notching or drilling should be done in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Manufacturer’s catalogues and evaluation reports are the primary sources of information for design, typical installation details and performance characteristics. PSL exhibits a rich texture and retains numerous dark glue lines. PSL can be machined, stained, and finished using the techniques applicable to sawn lumber. PSL members readily accept stain to enhance the warmth and texture of the wood. All PSL is sanded at the end of the production process to ensure precise dimensions and to provide a high quality surface for appearance. As with any other wood product, PSL should be protected from the weather during jobsite storage and after installation. Wrapping of the product for shipment to the job site is important in providing moisture protection. End and edge sealing of the product will enhance its resistance to moisture penetration. PSL readily accepts preservative treatment and it is possible to obtain a high degree of preservative penetration. Treated PSL can be specified in high humidity exposures. PSL is a proprietary product and therefore, the specific engineering properties and sizes are unique to each manufacturer. Thus, PSL does not have a common standard of production and common design values. Design values are derived from test results analysed in accordance with CSA O86 and ASTM D5456 and the design values are reviewed and approved by the Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC). Products meeting the CCMC guidelines receive an Evaluation Number and Evaluation Report that includes the specified design strengths, which are subsequently listed in CCMC’s Registry of Product Evaluations. The manufacturer’s name or product identification and the stress grade is marked on the material at various intervals, but due to end cutting it may not be present on every piece. The Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC) has accepted PSL for use as heavy timber construction, as described under the provisions within Part 3 of the National Building Code of Canada. For further information, refer to the following resources: APA – The Engineered Wood Association Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC), Institute for Research in Construction CSA O86 Engineering design in wood ASTM D5456 Standard Specification for Evaluation of Structural Composite Lumber Products
Performance Factors

How long will an exterior wood coating last? Anywhere from a few months to 20 years or more, depending on the choice of product, how it was applied, and how severe the environment. Paints tend to last the longest, assuming they are applied properly (see Choosing and applying exterior wood coatings page). But the range of lifespan for a paint coating is very large. A low quality product badly applied to a weathered wood surface may barely last two years. If everything is done right, the coating might last 20 years. High quality paints and stains generally last longest, and coatings that are in locations protected from sunlight and water tend to last longer. Stains and water repellents have much shorter lives than paints, but are easier to maintain. This is one of the reasons they are a popular choice for stairs and decks. Depending on the degree of exposure to sun, water, foot traffic, and the pigment amount in the stain, expect a life of 1 to 2 years for a stain applied to deck boards and 2 to 5 for a stain applied to products that are not subject to wear. Water repellents generally last 6 to 12 months. Results from numerous tests on exterior wood finishes by many experts in this field, particularly by the US Forest Products Lab (USFPL), are summarized below. See the USFPL link for more information. Effect of wood anatomy Coatings, particularly solid colour stains and paints tend to last longer on dimensionally stable species such as western red cedar, eastern white cedar and Alaska yellow cedar, as these will shrink and swell less than other species and will therefore put less stress on the coating bond. However deck stains will not last as long on low density species such as western red cedar due to wear. Coatings last longer on wood with narrow latewood bands (the dark part of the annual ring) due to density differences between the earlywood (the light part of the ring) and the denser latewood. The southern pines are characterized by their wide bands of latewood, and therefore these species are considered to be somewhat poor for painting. The amount of extractives or resin in wood also affects coating performance. Special primers can be used to block water-soluble extractives, and kiln drying is most effective for fixing resin in wood. Nutrients in wood can migrate through the coating to support fungal growth on the surface, and heartwood can be chosen to minimize the nutrient content in wood. Effect of grain Finishes last longer on vertical (also called edge grain) versus flat grain, as these surfaces will shrink and swell less and therefore put less stress on the coating bond. However, it can be difficult to specify type of grain when ordering a product. Western red cedar and redwood may be available in a premium grade, which will likely be all heartwood, vertical grain. If using flat grain, place it bark side out or up if possible, because the grain is less likely to raise on that side, particularly in species with dense latewood bands such as the southern pines, and raised grain is a problem for coating adhesion. This is not an issue when using vertical grain products. Placing bark side out also minimizes checking. Effect of surface roughness Rough-sawn (saw-textured) or roughened wood creates a better coating bond and thicker coating buildup than smooth wood. The life of a coating can be substantially extended if the wood is roughened. Effect of sanding Sanding (100 grit) can double the life of a coating, for both weathered and freshly planed wood. This is because sanding removes any damaged surface fibres and also changes the surface chemistry to improve bonding of the coating. Effect of wood preservatives Semitransparent stains last longer when applied to CCA-treated wood – treated wood purchased prior to 2004 was probably treated with CCA. Research is under way on finishing for wood treated with new preservatives. Protection measures regarding use of treated wood apply when coating preservative-treated wood. Effect of bluestain Bluestain is caused by fungi, and bluestained wood is more permeable than unstained wood, therefore it may absorb more coating. Make sure to apply sufficient coating. Effect of weathering Sunlight quickly degrades the ability of a wood surface to bond with a coating. Research has shown a tremendous difference in paint performance on weathered versus unweathered wood. Paint on boards with no exposure to weather prior to painting lasted at least 20 years. Boards that had weathered for 16 weeks prior to painting began showing cracks in just 3 years. For maximum coating life, sand the surface if the wood has been exposed to any sunlight at all, particularly if for more than two weeks. Effect of product manufacturing Plywood: Coatings on plywood are challenged by the small cracks (face checks) on the surface that are caused by the lathe when the veneer is cut from the log during manufacturing. As the plywood goes through moisture cycling outdoors, these cracks tend to get larger and stress the coating bond. Plywood surface, edges and joints in outdoor applications should be protected, and coatings and other products for helping plywood resist cracking can be applied to prevent moisture ingress. Generally a good stain can effectively protect plywood. Since checking in stained plywood usually occurs during the first six months of outdoor exposure, best coating results can be obtained by applying a first coat and allowing any checking to occur, then six months or so later applying a second coat. Paints can fail quickly on plywood, unless efforts are made to reduce moisture uptake and also to use flexible products to accommodate dimensional changes of the wood. Roughening the surface is also important. For plywood protection and other issues with plywood, see the recommendations from the Canadian Plywood Association (http://www.canply.org/pdf/main/plywood_handbookcanada.pdf). Finger-jointed products: Coatings may perform differently on different parts of these products, as they are not likely to be uniform in grain orientation, in heartwood versus sapwood content, or even
Permanent Wood Foundations

A permanent wood foundation (PWF) is an engineered construction system that uses load-bearing exterior light-frame wood walls in a below-grade application. A PWF consists of a stud wall and footing substructure, constructed of approved preservative-treated plywood and lumber, which supports an above-grade superstructure. Besides providing vertical and lateral structural support, the PWF system provides resistance to heat and moisture flow. The first PWF examples were built as early as 1950 and many are still being used today. A PWF is a strong, durable and proven engineered system that has a number of unique advantages: energy savings resulting from high insulation levels, achievable through the application of stud cavity insulation and exterior rigid insulation (up to 20% of heat transfer can occur through the foundation); dry, comfortable living space provided by a superior drainage system (which does not require weeping tile); increased living space since drywall can be attached directly to foundation wall studs; resistance to cracking from freeze/thaw cycles; adaptable to most building designs, including crawl spaces, additions and walk-out basements; one trade required for more efficient construction scheduling; buildable during winter with minimal protection around footings to protect them from freezing; rapid construction, whether framed on site or pre-fabricated off-site; materials are readily available and can be efficiently shipped to rural or remote building sites; and long life, based on field and engineering experience. PWFs are suitable for all types of light-frame construction covered under Part 9 ‘Housing and Small Buildings’ of the National Building Code of Canada (NBC), that is, PWF can be used for buildings up to three-storeys in height above the foundation and having a building area not exceeding 600 m2. PWFs can be used as foundation systems for single-family detached houses, townhouses, low-rise apartments, and institutional and commercial buildings. PWFs can also be designed for projects such as crawlspaces, room additions and knee-wall foundations for garages and manufactured homes. There are three different types of PWFs: concrete slab or wood sleeper floor basement, suspended wood floor basement and an unexcavated or partially excavated crawl space. Lumber studs used in PWF are typically 38 x 140 mm (2 x 6 in) or 38 x 184 mm (2 x 8 in), No. 2 grade or better. Improved moisture control methods around and beneath the PWF result in comfortable and dry below-grade living space. The PWF is placed on a granular drainage layer which extends 300 mm (12 in) beyond the footings. An exterior moisture barrier, applied to the outside of the walls, provides protection against moisture ingress. Caulked joints between all exterior plywood wall panels and at the bottom of exterior walls is intended to control air leakage through the PWF, but also eliminates water penetration pathways. The result is a dry basement that can be easily insulated and finished for maximum comfort and energy conservation. All lumber and plywood used in a PWF, except for specific components or conditions, must be treated using a water-borne wood preservative and identified as such by a certification mark stating conformance with CSA O322. Corrosion-resistant nails, framing anchors and straps that are used to fasten PWF-treated material must be hot-dipped galvanized or stainless steel. Exterior moisture and vapour barriers must be at least 0.15 mm (6 mil) in thickness. Dimpled drainage board is often specified as an exterior moisture barrier. For further information, refer to the following references: Permanent Wood Foundations (Canadian Wood Council) Permanent Wood Foundations 2023 – Durable, Comfortable, Adaptable, Energy efficient, Economical (Wood Preservation Canada and Canadian Wood Council) Wood Design Manual (Canadian Wood Council) Wood Preservation Canada CSA S406 Specification of permanent wood foundations for housing and small buildings CSA O322 Procedure for certification of pressure-treated wood materials for use in permanent wood foundations CSA O86 Engineering design in wood National Building Code of Canada
Plank Decking

Plank decking may be used to span farther and carry greater loads than panel products such as plywood and oriented strand board (OSB). Plank decking is often used where the appearance of the decking is desired as an architectural feature or where the fire performance must meet the heavy timber construction requirements outlined in Part 3 of the National Building Code of Canada. Plank decking is usually used in mass timber or post and beam structures and is laid with the flat or wide face over supports to provide a structural deck for floors and roofs. Plank decking can be used in either wet or dry service conditions and can be treated with preservatives, dependent on the wood species. Nails and deck spikes are used to fasten adjacent pieces of plank decking to one another and are also used to fasten the deck to its supports. Decking is generally available in the following species: Douglas fir (D.Fir-L species combination) Pacific coast hemlock (Hem-Fir species combination) Various species of spruce, pine and fir (S-P-F species combination) Western red cedar (Northern species combination) In order to product plank decking, sawn lumber is milled into a tongue and groove profile with special surface machining, such as a V-joint. Plank decking is normally produced in three thicknesses: 38 mm (1-1/2 in), 64 mm (2-1/2 in) and 89 mm (3-1/2 in). The 38 mm (1-1/2 in) decking has a single tongue and groove while the thicker sizes have a double tongue and groove. Thicknesses greater than 38 mm (1-1/2 in) also have 6 mm (1/4 in) diameter holes at 760 mm (2.5 ft) spacing so that each piece may be nailed to the adjacent one with deck spikes. The standard sizes and profiles are shown below. Plank decking is most readily available in random lengths of 1.8 to 6.1 m (6 to 20 ft). Decking can be ordered in specific lengths, but limited availability and extra costs should be expected. A typical specification for random lengths could require that at least 90 percent of the plank decking be 3.0 m (10 ft) and longer, and at least 40 percent be 4.9 m (16 ft) and longer. Plank decking is available in two grades: Select grade (Sel) Commercial grade (Com) Select grade has a higher quality appearance and is also stronger and stiffer than commercial grade. Plank decking is required to be manufactured in accordance with CSA O141 and graded under the NLGA Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber. Since plank decking is not grade stamped like dimensional lumber, verification of the grade should be obtained in writing from the supplier or a qualified grading agency should be retained to check the supplied material. To minimize shrinkage and warping, plank decking consists of sawn lumber members that are dried to a moisture content of 19 percent or less at the time of surfacing (S-Dry). The use of green decking can result in the loosening of the tongue and groove joint over time and a reduction in structural and serviceability performance. Individual planks can span simply between supports, but are generally random lengths spanning several supports for economy and to take advantage of increased stiffness. There are three methods of installing plank decking: controlled random, simple span and two span continuous. A general design rule for controlled random plank decking is that spans should not be more than 600 mm (2 ft) longer than the length which 40 percent of the decking shipment exceeds. Both the latter methods of installation require planks of predetermined length and a consequently there could be an associated cost premium. Profiles and Sizes of Plank Decking

Plywood is a widely recognized engineered wood-based panel product that has been used in Canadian construction projects for decades. Plywood panels manufactured for structural applications are built up from multiple layers or plys of softwood veneer that are glued together so that the grain direction of each layer of veneer is perpendicular to that of the adjacent layers. These cross-laminated sheets of wood veneer are bonded together with a waterproof phenol-formaldehyde resin adhesive and cured under heat and pressure. Plywood panels have superior dimensional stability, two-way strength and stiffness properties and an excellent strength-to-weight ratio. They are also highly resistant to impact damage, chemicals, and changes in temperature and relative humidity. Plywood remains flat to give a smooth, uniform surface that does not crack, cup or twist. Plywood can be painted, stained, or ordered with factory applied stains or finishes. Plywood is available with squared or tongue and groove edges, the latter of which can help to reduce labour and material costs by eliminating the need for panel edge blocking in certain design scenarios. Plywood is suitable for a variety of end uses in both wet and dry service conditions, including: subflooring, single-layer flooring, wall, roof and floor sheathing, structural insulated panels, marine applications, webs of wood I-joists, concrete formwork, pallets, industrial containers, and furniture. Plywood panels used as exterior wall and roof sheathing perform multiple functions; they can provide resistance to lateral forces such as wind and earthquake loads and also form an integral component of the building envelope. Plywood may be used as both a structural sheathing and a finish cladding. For exterior cladding applications, specialty plywoods are available in a broad range of patterns and textures, combining the natural characteristics of wood with superior strength and stiffness properties. When treated with wood preservatives, plywood is also suitable for use under extreme and prolonged moisture exposure such as permanent wood foundations. Plywood is available in a wide variety of appearance grades, ranging from smooth, natural surfaces suitable for finish work to more economical unsanded grades used for sheathing. Plywood is available in more than a dozen common thicknesses and over twenty different grades. Unsanded sheathing grade Douglas Fir Plywood (DFP), conforming to CSA O121, and Canadian Softwood Plywood (CSP), conforming to CSA O151, are the two most common types of softwood plywoods produced in Canada. All structural plywood products are marked with a legible and durable grade stamp that indicates: conformance to either CSA O121, CSA O151 or CSA O153, the manufacturer, the bond type (EXTERIOR), the species (DFP) or (CSP), and the grade. Plywood can be chemically treated to improve resistance to decay or to fire. Preservative treatment must be done by a pressure process, in accordance with CSA O80 standards. It is required that plywood manufacturers carry out testing in conformance with ASTM D5516 and ASTM D6305 to determine the effects of fire retardants, or any other potentially strength-reducing chemicals. For further information, refer to the following resources: APA – The Engineered Wood Association CSA O121 Douglas fir plywood, CSA O151 Canadian softwood plywood CSA O153 Poplar plywood CSA O86 Engineering design in wood CSA O80 Wood preservation ASTM D5516 Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Flexural Properties of Fire-Retardant Treated Softwood Plywood Exposed to Elevated Temperatures ASTM D6305 Standard Practice for Calculating Bending Strength Design Adjustment Factors for Fire-Retardant-Treated Plywood Roof Sheathing National Building Code of Canada Example Specifications for Plywood Plywood Grades Plywood Handling and Storage Plywood Manufacture Plywood Sizes Quality Control of Plywood
Preservative Treated Wood

Preservative-treated wood is surface coated or pressure impregnated with chemicals that improve the resistance to damage that can result from biological deterioration (decay) due to the action of fungi, insects, and microorganisms. Preservative treatment offers a means for improving the resistance and extending the service life of those wood species which do not have sufficient natural resistance under certain in-use conditions. It is possible to extend the service life of untreated wood products by up to ten times through the use of preservative treatment. Preservative-treated wood can be used for exterior structures that require resistance to fungal decay and termites, such as: bridges, utility poles, railway ties, docks, marinas, fences, gazebos, pergolas, playground equipment, and landscaping. Four factors are necessary to sustain life for wood destroying fungi; a suitable food supply (wood fibre), a sustained minimum wood moisture content of about 20 percent (common for exterior use conditions), exposure to air, and a favourable temperature for growth (cold temperatures inhibit, but do not eliminate fungi growth). Preservative treatment is effective because it removes the food supply by making it poisonous to the fungi and wood destroying insects such as termites. An effective wood preservative must have the ability to penetrate the wood, neutralize the food supply of fungi and insects, and be present in sufficient quantities in a non-leachable form. Effective preservatives will also kill existing fungi and insects that might already exist in the wood. There are two basic methods of treating wood; with and without pressure. Non-pressure methods include the application of preservative by brushing, spraying or dipping the piece of wood. These superficial treatments do not result in deep penetration or large absorption of preservative and are typically restricted to field treatment during construction. Deeper and more thorough penetration is achieved by driving the preservative into the wood cells with pressure. Various combinations of pressure and vacuum are used to force adequate levels of chemical into the wood. For a wood preservative to function effectively it must be applied under controlled conditions, to specifications known to ensure that the preservative-treated wood will perform under specific in-use conditions. The manufacture and application of wood preservatives are governed by the CSA O80 series of standards. CSA O80 provides information on the wood species that may be treated, the types of preservatives and the retention and penetration of preservative in the wood that must be achieved for the use category or application. To ensure that the specified degree of protection will be provided, a preservative-treated wood product may bear a stamp indicating the suitability for a specific use category. Wood preservatives in Canada are governed by the Pest Control Products Act and must be registered with the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) of Health Canada. Common types of wood preservatives that are used in Canada include chromated copper arsenate (CCA), alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ), copper azole (CA), micronized copper azole (MCA), borates, creosote, pentachlorophenol, copper naphthenate and zinc naphthenate. Acid salts can lessen the strength of wood if they are present in large concentrations. The concentrations used in preservative-treated wood are sufficiently small so that they do not affect the strength properties under normal use conditions. In some cases, the specified strength and stiffness of wood is reduced due to incising of the wood during the pressure impregnation process (refer to CSA O86 for further information on structural design reduction factors). Hot dipped galvanized or stainless steel fasteners and connection hardware are usually required to be used in conjunction with preservative-treated wood. There may be additional materials, such as polymer or ceramic coatings, or vinyl or plastic flashings that are suitable for use with preservative-treated wood products. The manufacturer should be consulted prior to specification of fasteners and connection hardware. For further information, refer to the following resources: www.durable-wood.com Wood Preservation Canada Canadian Wood Preservation Association CSA O80 Series Wood preservation CSA O86 Engineering design in wood Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Health Canada American Wood Protection Association
Pressure Treated Wood

Preservative-treated wood is typically pressure-treated, where the chemicals are driven a short distance into the wood using a special vessel that combines pressure and vacuum. Although deep penetration is highly desirable, the impermeable nature of dead wood cells makes it extremely difficult to achieve anything more than a thin shell of treated wood. Key results of the pressure-treating process are the amount of preservative impregnated into the wood (called retention), and the depth of penetration. These characteristics of treatment are specified in results-based standards. Greater preservative penetration can be achieved by incising – a process that punches small slits into the wood. This is often needed for large or difficult to treat material to meet results-based penetration standards. Pressure treatment processes vary depending on the type of wood being treated and the preservative being used. In general, wood is first conditioned to remove excess water from the wood. It is then placed inside a pressure vessel and a vacuum is pulled to remove air from inside the wood cells. After this, the preservative is added and pressure applied to force the preservative into the wood. Finally, the pressure is released and a final vacuum applied to remove and reuse excess preservative. After treatment some preservative systems, such as CCA, require an additional fixation step to ensure that the preservative is fully reacted with the wood. Information on the different types of preservatives used can be found under Durability by Treatment
Remedial Treatment

Since remedial treatment is intended to solve a known insect or decay problem, the first thing to do is investigate the extent of the problem and, if necessary, provide temporary structural support. The investigation phase should also identify the causal factors so that these can be eliminated, where possible. Also during the investigation, the parts of the wood that have lost strength may be removed. Be aware that a wood decay fungus may have penetrated well beyond the boundaries of the visibly rotted wood. Since deterioration is underway, a rapid response is normally required. This means that where the deteriorated and infected wood cannot be removed and replaced with sound wood, the remedial treatment must be capable of rapidly penetrating the wood and killing the fungi or insects. Solids Since solids take time to dissolve and move, they are commonly supplemented by liquid treatments for more rapid eradication of the decay fungus or insect. Borate and copper/borate rods are the only solid remedial treatment method available to the homeowner. Liquids, Pastes and Gels Liquids, pastes and gels work rapidly as they do not have to rehydrate or dissolve to start moving and working. Since all visibly decayed wood should be removed wherever possible, these treatments are often used primarily to kill and contain any residual infection inadvertently left behind. Brush or spray applications are quite appropriate for this use. Gels are commonly applied to paint cracks in window joints and to the bottom of door frames, locations where moisture may get into the wood. Where decayed wood is present inside poles and timbers and cannot be removed, liquids, pastes or gels must be inserted deep into the wood for rapid action. Fumigants Gases move the most rapidly and therefore have a faster eradicant action.

Individuals in the design and construction community are increasingly choosing materials, design techniques and construction procedures that improve a structure’s ability to withstand and recover from extreme events such as intense rain, snow and wind, hurricanes, earthquakes and wildfire. As a result, specifying robust materials and design details, and constructing flexible and easily repairable buildings are becoming important design criteria. Resilience is the ability to prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, and more successfully adapt to adverse events. For a building, this means being designed to withstand and recover quickly from adverse situations such as flooding and high winds, with an acceptable level of functionality. A structure built to withstand such natural disasters with minimal damage is easier to repair and can contribute to sustainable development. Designing for resilience can contribute to minimizing human risk, reducing material waste and lowering restoration costs. As a result of shifting weather patterns due to climate change, there is a growing interest in adaptation and designing for resilience. Higher temperatures can increase the odds of more extreme weather events, including severe heat waves and regional changes in floods, droughts and potential for more severe wildfires. There are more intense and more frequent hurricanes, and precipitation often comes in the form of intense single-day events. Warmer winter temperatures cause water to evaporate in the air and if the temperature is still below freezing, this can lead to unusually heavy snow, sleet or freezing rain, even in years when snowfall is lower than average. A resilient building is able to deal with changes such as a heavier snow load, wider temperature fluctuations, and more extreme wind and rain. Existing wood buildings can be easily adapted or retrofitted if there is a need for increased wind or snow loading. Wood buildings that are properly designed and constructed perform well in all types of climates, even the wettest. Wood tolerates high humidity and can absorb or release water vapour without compromising the structural integrity. In some regions, climate change is seen to be contributing to increasingly complex wildfire seasons, which results in greater risk of extreme wildfire events. Some wildland fire regulations target specific construction features in wildland-urban interface areas, such as exterior decks, roof coverings, and cladding. A number of wood products meet these regulations for various applications, including heavy timber elements, fire retardant treated wood and some wood species that demonstrate low flame spread ratings (less than 75). For further information, refer to the following resources: Resilient and Adaptive Design Using Wood (Canadian Wood Council) American Wood Council American Institute of Architects

Wood screws are manufactured in many different lengths, diameters and styles. Wood screws in structural framing applications such as fastening floor sheathing to the floors joists or the attachment of gypsum wallboard to wall framing members. Wood screws are often higher in cost than nails due to the machining required to make the thread and the head. Screws are usually specified by gauge number, length, head style, material and finish. Screw lengths between 1 inch and 2 ¾ inch lengths are manufactured in ¼ inch intervals, whereas screws 3 inches and longer, are manufactured in ½ inch intervals. Designers should check with suppliers to determine availability. Design provisions in Canada are limited to 6, 8, 10 and 12 gauge screws and are applicable only for wood screws that meet the requirements of ASME B18.6.1. For wood screw diameters greater than 12 gauge, design should be in accordance with the lag screw requirements of CSA O86. Screws are designed to be much better at resisting withdrawal than nails. The length of the threaded portion of the screw is approximately two-thirds of the screw length. Where the wood relative density is equal to or greater than 0.5, lead holes, at least the length of the threaded portion of the shank, are required. In order to reduce the occurrence of splitting, pre-drilled holes are recommended for all screw connections. The types of wood screws commonly used are shown in Figure 5.4, below. For more information on wood screws, refer to the following resources: ASME B18.6.1 Wood Screws CSA O86 Engineering design in wood