Canadian species of visually graded lumber
There are more than a hundred softwood species in North America. To simplify the supply and use of structural softwood lumber, species having similar strength characteristics, and typically grown in the same region, are combined. Having a smaller number of species combinations makes it easier to design and select an appropriate species and for installation and inspection on the job site. In contrast, non-structural wood products are graded solely on the basis of appearance quality and are typically marked and sold under an individual species (e.g., Eastern White Pine, Western Red Cedar).
The Spruce-Pine-Fir (S-P-F) species group grows abundantly throughout Canada and makes up by far the largest proportion of dimension lumber production. The other major commercial species groups for Canadian dimension lumber are Douglas Fir-Larch, Hem-Fir and Northern Species.
The four species groups of Canadian lumber and their characteristics are shown below.
Species Combination: Douglas Fir-Larch Abbreviation: D.Fir-L or DF-L |
Species Included in Combination | Growth Region |
Douglas Fir Western Larch | |
Characteristics | Colour Ranges |
Species Combination: Hem-Fir Abbreviation: Hem-Fir or H-F |
Species Included in Combination | Growth Region |
Pacific Coast Hemlock Amabilis Fir | |
Characteristics | Colour Ranges |
Species Combination: Spruce-Pine-Fir Abbreviation: S-P-F |
Species Included in Combination | Growth Region |
White Spruce Engleman Spruce Red Spruce Black Spruce Jack Pine Lodgepole Pine Balsam Fir Alpine Fir |
Characteristics | Colour Ranges |
Species Combination: Northern Species Abbreviation: North or Nor |
Species Included in Combination | Growth Region |
Western Red Cedar | |
Characteristics | Colour Ranges |
Also Included in Northern Species | |
Species Included in Combination | Growth Region |
Red Pine | |
Characteristics | Colour Ranges |
Also Included in Northern Species | |
Species Included in Combination | Growth Region |
Ponderosa Pine | |
Characteristics | Colour Ranges |
Also Included in Northern Species | |
Species Included in Combination | Growth Region |
Western White Pine Eastern White Pine | |
Characteristics | Colour Ranges |
Also Included in Northern Species | |
Species Included in Combination | Growth Region |
Trembling Aspen Largetooth Aspen Balsam Poplar | |
Characteristics | Colour Ranges |
Below is a map of the forest regions in Canada and the principal tree species that grow in each region.
Click to enlarge the map.
This map appears courtesy of Natural Resources Canada.