
Why Wood (FAQ)

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BUILDING CODES & STANDARDS (THE REGULATORY SYSTEM) The construction industry is regulated through building codes which are informed by: Design standards that provide...
With advanced construction technologies and modern mass timber products such as glued-laminated timber, cross-laminated timber and structural composite lumber, building tall...
When it comes to wood construction, many people think of basic 2×4 framing, panels or flooring for single-family homes. However, advances in wood science and building...
Timber bridges have a long history as vital components of the roadway, railway and logging road networks within Canada. Dependent on the availability of materials...
Flame spread is primarily a surface burning characteristic of materials, and a flame-spread rating is a way to compare how rapid flame spreads on the surface of one material...
In the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) “fire-resistance rating” is defined in part as: “the time in minutes or hours that a material or assembly of materials...
The vulnerability of any building in a fire situation is higher during the construction phase when compared to the susceptibility of the building after it has been completed...
A structure must be designed to resist all the loads expected to act on the structure during its service life. Under the effects of the expected applied loads, the structure...
For many years, the design values of Canadian dimension lumber were determined by testing small clear samples. Although this approach had worked well in the past, there were...
Moisture, Decay, and Termites Wood is a natural, biodegradable material.  That means certain insects and fungi can break wood down to be recycled via earth into new...
A permanent wood foundation (PWF) is an engineered construction system that uses load-bearing exterior light-frame wood walls in a below-grade application. A PWF consists of...
“Durability by design” is the most important aspect of durable solutions.  It starts with using dry wood, storing it appropriately to ensure it stays dry, and then...

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