Fire Safety

The National Building Code of Canada (NBC) defines fire safety under Objective OS1: “an objective of this code is to limit the probability that as a result of the design or construction of the building, a person in or adjacent to a building will be exposed to an unacceptable risk of injury due to fire.” In simpler terms, fire safety is the reduction of the potential for harm to life as a result of fire in buildings. Although the potential for being killed or injured in a fire cannot be completely eliminated, fire safety in a building can be achieved through proven building design features intended to minimize the risk of harm to people from fire to the greatest extent possible. Designing a building to ensure minimal risk or to meet a prescribed level of safety from fire is more complex than just the simple consideration of what building materials will be used in construction of the building, since all building materials are affected by fire. Many factors must be considered including the use of the building, the number of occupants, how easily they can exit the building in case of a fire and how a fire can be contained. Even materials that do not sustain fire do not guarantee the safety of a structure. Steel, for instance, quickly loses its strength when heated and its yield point decreases significantly as it absorbs heat, endangering the stability of the structure. An unprotected, conventional cold-formed steel joist floor system will fail in less than 10 minutes under standard laboratory fire exposure test methods, while an unprotected, conventional wood joist floor system can last up to 15 minutes. Reinforced concrete is also not immune to fire. Concrete will spall under elevated temperatures, exposing the steel reinforcement and weakening structural members. As a result, it is generally recognized that there is really no such thing as a fire-proof building. The NBC only regulates those elements which are part of the building construction. The building contents found in any building are typically not regulated by the NBC, but in some cases they are regulated by the National Fire Code of Canada (NFC). The occupancy classification of buildings or parts of buildings according to their intended use accounts for: the quantity and type of combustible contents likely to be present (potential fire load); the number of persons likely to be exposed to the threat of fire; the area of the building; and the height of the building. This occupancy classification is the starting point in determining which fire safety requirements apply to a particular building. The occupancy classification of a building within the NBC dictates: the type of building construction; the level of fire protection; and the degree of structural protection against fire spread between parts of a building that are used for different purposes. Fires can occur in any type of structure. The severity of a fire, however, is contingent on the ability of a construction to: confine the fire; limit a fire’s effects on the supporting structure; and control the spread of smoke and gases. To varying degrees, any type of construction can be designed as a system (combination of construction assemblies) to limit the effects of fire. This allows occupants sufficient time to escape the building and for firefighters to safely carry out their duties. Occupant safety also depends on other parameters such as detection, exit paths, and the use of automatic fire suppression systems such as sprinklers. These concepts form the basis of the NBC requirements. For further information, refer to the following resources: Wood Design Manual (Canadian Wood Council) Fire Safety Design in Buildings (Canadian Wood Council) National Building Code of Canada National Fire Code of Canada CSA O86, Engineering design in wood Fitzgerald, Robert W., Fundamentals of Fire Safe Building Design, Fire Protection Handbook, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 1997. Watts, J.M. (Jr); Systems Approach to Fire-Safe Building Design, Fire Protection Handbook, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 2008. Rowe, W.D.; Assessing the Risk of Fire Systemically ASTM STP 762, Fire Risk Assessment, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 1982.
Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood

“Fire-retardant treated wood” (FRTW), as defined by the National Building Code of Canada (NBC), is ‘…wood or a wood product that has had its surface-burning characteristics, such as flame spread, rate of fuel contribution and density of smoke developed, reduced by impregnation with fire-retardant chemicals.’ FRTW must be pressure impregnated with fire-retardant chemicals in accordance with the CAN/CSA-O80 Series of Standards, Wood Preservation and when fire-tested for its surface flammability, must have a flame spread rating not more than 25. Fire-retardant chemical treatments applied to FRTW retard the spread of flame and limit smoke production from wood in fire situations. FRTW products are harder to ignite than untreated wood products and preservative treated wood products. Fire-retardant treatments applied to FRTW enhances the fire performance of the products by reducing the amount of heat released during the initial stages of fire. The treatments also reduce the amount of flammable volatiles released during fire exposure. This results in a reduction in the rate of flame spread over the surface. When the flame source is removed, FRTW ceases to char. FRTW contains different chemicals than preservative treated wood. However, the same manufacturing process is used to apply the chemicals. FRTW must be kiln-dried after treatment to a moisture content of 19% for lumber and 15% for plywood. The fire-retardant treatments used in FRTW do not generally interfere with the adhesion of surface paints and coatings unless the FRTW has an increased moisture content. The finishing characteristics of specific products should be discussed with the manufacturer. Typical interior applications of FRTW include architectural millwork, paneling, roof assemblies/trusses, beams, interior load bearing and non-load bearing partitions. Exterior-type fire retardants use different chemical formulations from those used for interior applications, since they must pass an accelerated weathering test (ASTM D2898), which exposes FRTW to regular wetting and drying cycles to represent actual long-term outdoor conditions. Generally, exterior-type fire retardants are applied to shingles and shakes. FRTW can be crosscut to length (not ripped) and drilled for holes following treatment without reducing its effectiveness. End cuts in the field, whether exposed or butt jointed, do not require treatment, since any untreated areas are relatively small compared to the total surface area and the flame spread rating remains unaffected. Plywood can be both crosscut and ripped without concern, since the chemical treatment has penetrated throughout the individual layers/plys. FRTW is not excessively corrosive to metal fasteners and other hardware, even in areas of high relative humidity. In fact, testing has demonstrated that FRTW is no more corrosive than untreated wood. Exterior use of FRTW Fire retardant coatings Fire-retardant-treated wood roof systems Flame-spread rating For more information on FRTW, visit the manufacture’s websites: Arch Wood Protection, Lonza: Viance LLC:
Flame Spread

Flame spread is primarily a surface burning characteristic of materials, and a flame-spread rating is a way to compare how rapid flame spreads on the surface of one material compared to another. Flame-spread rating requirements are applied in the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) primarily to regulate interior finishes. Any material that forms part of the building interior and is directly exposed is considered to be an interior finish. This includes interior claddings, flooring, carpeting, doors, trim, windows, and lighting elements. If no cladding is installed on the interior side of an exterior wall of a building, then the interior surfaces of the wall assembly are considered to be the interior finish, for example, unfinished post and beam construction. Similarly, if no ceiling is installed beneath a floor or roof assembly, the unfinished exposed deck and structural members are considered to be the interior ceiling finish. The standard test method that the NBC references for the determination of flame spread ratings is CAN/ULC-S102, published by ULC Standards. Appendix D-3 of the NBC, Division B, provides information related to generic flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications of a variety of building materials. Information is only provided for generic materials for which extensive fire test data is available (refer to Table 1 below). For instance, lumber, regardless of species, and Douglas fir, poplar, and spruce plywood, of a thickness not less than those listed, are assigned a flame-spread rating of 150. In general, for wood products up to 25 mm (1 in) thick, the flame-spread rating decreases with increasing thickness. Values given in the Appendix D of the NBC are conservative because they are intended to cover a wide range of materials. Specific species and thicknesses may have values much lower than those listed in Appendix D. Specific ratings by wood species are given in Surface Flammability and Flame-spread Ratings fact-sheet, below. Information on proprietary and fire-retardant materials is available from third-party certification and listing organizations or from manufacturers. The values listed in Surface Flammability and Flame-spread Ratings fact-sheet apply to finished lumber; however, there has been no significant difference in flame-spread rating noted in rough sawn lumber of the same species. The American Wood Council has additional information in their Design for Code Acceptance publication, DCA 1 Flame Spread Performance of Wood Products for the U.S. Normally, the surface finish and the material to which it is applied both contribute to the overall flame-spread performance. Most surface coatings such as paint and wallpaper are usually less than 1 mm thick and will not contribute significantly to the overall rating. This is why the NBC assigns the same flame-spread and smoke developed rating to common materials such as plywood, lumber and gypsum wallboard whether they are unfinished or covered with paint, varnish or cellulosic wallpaper. There are also special fire-retardant paints and coatings that can substantially reduce the flame-spread rating of an interior surface. These coatings are particularly useful when rehabilitating an older building to reduce the flame-spread rating of finish materials to acceptable levels, especially for those areas requiring a flame-spread rating no greater than 25. In general, the NBC sets the maximum flame-spread rating for interior wall and ceiling finishes at 150, which can be met by most wood products. For example, 6 mm (1/4 in) Douglas Fir plywood may be unfinished, painted, varnished or covered with conventional cellulosic wallpaper. This has been found to be acceptable on the basis of actual fire experience. This means that in all areas where a flame-spread rating of 150 is permitted, the majority of wood products may be used as interior finishes without special requirements for fire-retardant treatments or coatings. In a room fire, the flooring is usually the last item to be ignited, since the coolest layer of air is near the floor. For this reason, the NBCC, like most other codes, does not regulate the flame-spread rating of flooring, with the exception of certain essential areas in high buildings: exits; corridors not within suites; elevator cars; and, service spaces. Traditional flooring materials such as hardwood flooring and carpets can be used almost everywhere in buildings of any type of construction. For further information, refer to the following resources: Wood Design Manual (Canadian Wood Council) Fire Safety Design in Buildings (Canadian Wood Council) National Building Code of Canada National Fire Code of Canada CSA O86, Engineering design in wood CAN/ULC-S102 Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies American Wood Council Table 1 : Assigned flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications Surface Flammability and Flame-spread Ratings
Framing Connectors

Framing connectors are proprietary products and include fastener types such as; framing anchors, framing angles, joist, purling and beam hangers, truss plates, post caps, post anchors, sill plate anchors, steel straps and nail-on steel plates. Framing connectors are often used for different reasons, such as; their ability to provide connections within prefabricated light-frame wood trusses, their ability to resist wind uplift and seismic loads, their ability to reduce the overall depth of a floor or roof assembly, or their ability to resist higher loads than traditional nailed connections. Examples of some common framing connectors are shown in Figure 5.6, below. Framing connectors are made of sheet metal and are manufactured with pre-punched holes to accept nails. Standard framing connectors are commonly manufactured using 20- or 18-gauge zinc coated sheet steel. Medium and heavy-duty framing connectors can be made from heavier zinc-coated steel, usually 12-gauge and 7-gauge, respectively. The load transfer capacity of framing connectors is related to the thickness of the sheet metal as well as the number of nails used to fasten the framing connector to the wood member. Framing connectors are suitable for most connection geometries that use dimensional lumber that is 38 mm (2″ nom.) and thicker lumber. In light-frame wood construction, framing connectors are commonly used in connections between joists and headers; rafters and plates or ridges; purlins and trusses; and studs and sill plates. Certain types of framing connectors, manufactured to fit larger wood members and carry higher loads, are also suitable for mass timber and post and beam construction. Manufacturers of the framing connectors will specify the type and number of fasteners, along with the installation procedures that are required in order to achieve the tabulated resistance(s) of the connection. The Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC), Institute for Research in Construction (IRC), produce evaluation reports that document resistance values of framing connectors, which are derived from testing results. Figure 5.6 Framing Connectors For more information, refer to the following resources: Canadian Construction Material Centre, National Research Council of Canada Truss Plate Institute of Canada CSA S347 Method of Test for Evaluation of Truss Plates used in Lumber Joints ASTM D1761 Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood Canadian Wood Truss Association

Acrylic A type of water-borne coating product containing acrylic polymers. Alkyd A type of polyester resin. Term often used to signify solvent-borne coatings, e.g., oil paints. Backpriming The application of a finish coat to the back side of wood such as shingles or siding. Binder The non-volatile film-forming solid portion in a coating, which binds the pigment particles together after the film is dry and creates the bond with the substrate. Typical binders include alkyd resins, acrylic resins and polyurethane resins. Bleeding When the colour of a discolouration or other material works up through a coating to the surface. Commonly used to describe leaching of tannins in extractive species like western red cedar and redwood (typically happens for the first year or so if not stain blocked). Blistering When a coating forms bubbles due to air, water vapour or solvent under the film. Dry lumber Lumber which has been dried to a moisture content of 19% or less. Any 4” and thinner boards or dimension lumber surfaced at a moisture content (MC) of 19% or less may be stamped “S-DRY” and stamped “KD” if kiln-dried to a maximum moisture content of 19%. Lumber in the USA may be stamped “KDAT” if kiln-dried after pressure treatment with preservatives. Enamel Generic term for an alkyd-based pigmented coating that dries to a smooth, hard, glossy finish. The term is often more broadly used for a coating which gives a hard, stain-resistant film. Extractives Soluble chemicals particularly present in the heartwood of some species which provide the wood with resistance to decay and insects. Fungicide A substance which inhibits the growth of fungus. Often added to coatings to protect the coatings themselves from fungal growth. Latex Term used to signify water-borne paints. Lacquer Coating material characterized by rapid evaporation of the solvent to produce a thin, hard film. Linseed oil Obtained by crushing flax seeds, this natural oil can be used as a vehicle in paints, as a softening agent for the resins in varnishes, or can be used alone as a wood finish material. Raw linseed oil is a food source for fungi and must be boiled to destroy these nutrients. Most “boiled” linseed oil is not boiled but contains metallic dryers and biocides. Oil-based paints Paints using natural oils such as linseed or tung oil as the binder, with turpentine as the usual solvent. The term is now usually used to refer to paints with both alkyds and oil as the binders, and with a carrier of mineral spirits or other solvents. Paint An opaque coating generally made with a binder, liquids, additives and pigments. Applied in liquid form, it dries to form a continuous film that protects and improves the appearance of the substrate. Pigment Finely ground solids that impart colour, hiding power (opacity) and ultraviolet protection. Pitch Also called resin, this sticky substance is a mixture of rosin and turpentine and is found in most softwoods but particularly the pines, spruces and Douglas-fir. Can ooze from the pitch pockets and sometimes the knots for a year or two if not set by kiln-drying. Resin can bleed through finishes and will harden into beads, but this can be cleaned up with mineral spirits and will stop eventually. Primer The first complete coat of paint applied in a painting system. Many primers are designed to enhance adhesion between the surface and subsequent topcoats. Most primers contain some pigment, some lend uniformity to the topcoat, some inhibit corrosion of the substrate, and some stop the discolouration of the topcoat. Resin For tree resin, see Pitch. In coatings, see Binder. Sealer A liquid that seals wood pores so they will not absorb subsequent coats. Sealers may be transparent, and can act as primers. Some sealers are designed to be left uncoated. Semi-transparent stain Stain that alters the natural colour of the wood, yet allows the grain and texture to show through. The term is generally applied to exterior products, but technically applies also to interior wiping stains used for trim, furniture and floors. Shellac Alcohol-soluble, clear to orange-coloured resin derived from lac, a substance secreted by insects. Previously used as a sealer and clear finish for floors, for sealing knots, and in “alcohol-borne” primers; rarely in use anymore. Thinner is denatured alcohol. It is an environmentally friendly product and usually available from finish suppliers. Solid-colour stain Exterior stain that obscures the natural colour and grain of wood, but still allows the texture to show through – essentially, a thin paint. Stain A coating product which can either be opaque such as a solid colour stain or partly transparent such as a semi-transparent stain. Also refers to wood discolourations such as discolourations caused by tannins in wood extractives, or stain caused by fungi such as bluestain. Solvent In generic coatings terminology, refers to the volatile liquid used to improve the working properties of a coating, typically water or hydrocarbons. In “solvent-borne” coatings, refers specifically to a coating based on hydrocarbons. Tung oil Obtained from the nut of the Asian tung tree. Hardly ever used in the raw state as it dries to a non-lustrous finish. Used in varnishes. Varnish Generic term for clear film-forming finish. Transparent or translucent liquids applied as a thin film, which harden. Can be solvent or water-borne. VOC Volatile organic compound. VOCs are organic chemical compounds that have high enough vapour pressures under normal conditions to significantly vaporize and enter the atmosphere where they may participate in photochemical reactions. They are often associated with solvents, typically considered to be pollutants, and are the subject of regulations in many jurisdictions.

Glulam (glued-laminated timber) is an engineered structural wood product that consists of multiple individual layers of dimension lumber that are glued together under controlled conditions. All Canadian glulam is manufactured using waterproof adhesives for end jointing and for face bonding and is therefore suitable for both exterior and interior applications. Glulam has high structural capacity and is also an attractive architectural building material. Glulam is commonly used in post and beam, heavy timber and mass timber structures, as well as wood bridges. Glulam is a structural engineered wood product used for headers, beams, girders, purlins, columns, and heavy trusses. Glulam is also manufactured as curved members, which are typically loaded in combined bending and compression. It can also be shaped to create pitched tapered beams and a variety of load bearing arch and trusses configurations. Glulam is often employed where the structural members are left exposed as an architectural feature. Available sizes of glulam Standard sizes have been developed for Canadian glued-laminated timber to allow optimum utilization of lumber which are multiples of the dimensions of the lamstock used for glulam manufacture. Suitable for most applications, standard sizes offer the designer economy and fast delivery. Other non-standard dimensions may be specially ordered at additional cost because of the extra trimming required to produce non-standard sizes. The standard widths and depths of glulam are shown in Table 6.7, below. The depth of glulam is a function of the number of laminations multiplied by the lamination thickness. For economy, 38 mm laminations are used wherever possible, and 19 mm laminations are used where greater degrees of curvature are required. Standard widths of glulam Standard finished widths of glulam members and common widths of the laminating stock they are made from are given in Table 4 below. Single widths of stock are used for the complete width dimension for members less than 275 mm (10-7/8″) wide. However, members wider than 175 mm (6-7/8″) may consist of two boards laid side by side. All members wider than 275 mm (10-7/8″) are made from two pieces of lumber placed side by side, with edge joints staggered within the depth of the member. Members wider than 365 mm (14-1/4″) are manufactured in 50 mm (2″) width increments, but will be more expensive than standard widths. Manufacturers should be consulted for advice. Initial width of glulam stock Finished width of glulam stock mm. in. mm. in. 89 3-1/2 80 3 140 5-1/2 130 5 184 7-1/4 175 6-7/8 235 (or 89 + 140) 9-1/4 (or 3-1/2 + 5-1/2) 225 (or 215) 8-7/8 (or 8-1/2) 286 (or 89 + 184) 11-1/4 (or 3-1/2 + 7-1/4) 275 (or 265) 10-7/8 (or 10-1/4) 140 + 184 5-1/2 + 7-1/4 315 12-1/4 140 + 235 5-1/2 + 9-1/4 365 14-1/4 Notes: Members wider than 365 mm (14-1/4″) are available in 50 mm (2″) increments but require a special order. Members wider than 175 mm (6-7/8″) may consist of two boards laid side by side with logitudinal joints staggered in adjacent laminations. Standard depths of glulam Standard depths for glulam members range from 114 mm (4-1/2″) to 2128 mm (7′) or more in increments of 38 mm (1-1/2″) and l9 mm (3/4″). A member made from 38 mm (1-1/2″) laminations costs significantly less than an equivalent member made from l9 mm (3/4″) laminations. However, the l9 mm (3/4″) laminations allow for a greater amount of curvature than do the 38 mm (1-1/2″) laminations. Width in. Depth range mm in. 80 3 114 to 570 4-1/2 to 22-1/2 130 5 152 to 950 6 to 37-1/2 175 6-7/8 190 to 1254 7-1/2 to 49-1/2 215 8-1/2 266 to 1596 10-1/2 to 62-3/4 265 10-1/4 342 to 1976 13-1/2 to 77-3/4 315 12-1/4 380 to 2128 15 to 83-3/4 365 14-1/4 380 to 2128 15 to 83-3/4 Note: 1. Intermediate depths are multiples of the lamination thickness, which is 38 mm (1-1/2″ nom.) except for some curved members that require 19 mm (3/4″ nom.) laminations. Laminating stock may be end jointed into lengths of up to 40 m (130′) but the practical limitation may depend on transportation clearance restrictions. Therefore, shipping restrictions for a given region should be determined before specifying length, width or shipping height. Glulam appearance grades In specifying Canadian glulam products, it is necessary to indicate both the stress grade and the appearance grade required. The appearance of glulam is determined by the degree of finish work done after laminating and not by the appearance of the individual lamination pieces. Glulam is available in the following appearance grades: Industrial Commercial Quality The appearance grade defines the amount of patching and finishing work done to the exposed surfaces after laminating (Table 6.8) and has no strength implications. Quality grade provides the greatest degree of finishing and is intended for applications where appearance is important. Industrial grade has the least amount of finishing. Grade Description Industrial Grade Intended for use where appearance is not a primary concern such as in industrial buildings; laminating stock may contain natural characteristics allowed for specified stress grade; sides planed to specified dimensions but occasional misses and rough spots allowed; may have broken knots, knot holes, torn grain, checks, wane and other irregularities on surface. Commercial Grade Intended for painted or flat-gloss varnished surfaces; laminating stock may contain natural characteristics allowed for specified stress grade; sides planed to specified dimensions and all squeezed-out glue removed from surface; knot holes, loose knots, voids, wane or pitch pockets are not replaced by wood inserts or filler on exposed surface. Quality Grade Intended for high-gloss transparent or polished surfaces, displays natural beauty of wood for best aesthetic appeal; laminating stock may contain natural characteristics allowed for specified stress grade; sides planed to specified dimensions and all squeezed-out glue removed from surface; may have tight knots, firm heart stain and medium sap stain on sides; slightly broken or split knots, slivers, torn grain or checks on surface filled; loose knots, knot holes, wane and pitch pockets removed and replaced with non-shrinking

Visual grading of dimension lumber In Canada, we are fortunate to have forests that are capable of producing dimension lumber that is desirable for use as structural wood products. Some primary factors that contribute to the production of lumber that is desirable for structural uses include; a favourable northern climate that is conducive to tree growth, many Canadian species contain small knots, and many of the Western Canadian species grow to heights of thirty meters or more, providing long sections of clear knot free wood and straight grain. The majority of the structural wood products are grouped within the spruce-pine-fir (S-P-F) species combination, which has the following advantages for structural applications: straight grain good workability light weight moderate strength small knots ability to hold nails and screws There are more than a hundred softwood species in North America. To simplify the supply and use of structural softwood lumber, species having similar strength characteristics, and typically grown in the same region, are combined. Having a smaller number of species combinations makes it easier to design and select an appropriate species and for installation and inspection on the job site. In contrast, non-structural wood products are graded solely on the basis of appearance quality and are typically marked and sold under an individual species (e.g., Eastern White Pine, Western Red Cedar). Canadian dimension lumber is manufactured in accordance with CSA O141 Canadian Standard Lumber and must conform to the requirements of the Canadian and US lumber grading rules. Each piece of dimension lumber is inspected to determine its grade and a stamp is applied indicating the assigned grade, the mill identification number, a green (S-Grn) or dry (S-Dry) moisture content at time of surfacing, the species or species group, the grading authority having jurisdiction over the mill of origin, and the grading rule used, where applicable. Dimension lumber is generally grade stamped on one face at a distance of approximately 600 mm (2 ft) from one end of the piece, in order to ensure that the stamp will be clearly visible during construction. Specialty items, such as lumber manufactured for millwork or for decorative purposes, are seldom marked. To ensure this uniform quality of dimension lumber, Canadian mills are required to have each piece of lumber graded by lumber graders who are approved by an accredited grading agency. Grading agencies are accredited by the CLSAB. NLGA Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber provide a list of the permitted characteristics within each grade of dimension lumber. The grade of a given piece of dimension lumber is based on the visual observations of certain natural characteristics of the wood. Most softwood lumber is assigned either an appearance grade or a structural grade based on a visual review performed by a lumber grader. The lumber grader is an integral part of the lumber manufacturing process. Using established correlations between appearance and strength, lumber graders are trained to assign a strength grade to dimensional lumber based on the presence or absence of certain natural characteristics. Examples of such characteristics include; the presence of wane (bark remnant on the outer edge), size and location of knots, the slope of the grain relative to the long axis and the size of shakes, splits and checks. Other characteristics are limited by the grading rules for appearance reasons only. Some of these include sap and heart stain, torn grain and planer skips. The table below shows a sample of a few of the criteria used to assess grades for 2×4 dimensional lumber that is categorized as ‘structural light framing’ or as ‘structural joist and plank’. Grades Characteristic Select Structural No.1 & No. 2 No. 3 Edge of wide face knots ¾” 1 ¼” 1 ¾” Slope of grain 1 in 12 1 in 8 1 in 4 To keep sorting cost to a minimum, grades may be grouped together. For example, there is an appearance difference between No.1 and No.2 visually graded dimension lumber, but not a difference in strength. Therefore, the grade mark ‘No.2 and better’ is commonly used where the visual appearance of No.1 grade dimensional lumber is not required, for example, in the construction of joists, rafters or trusses. Pieces of the same grade must be bundled together with the engineering properties dictated by the lowest strength grade in the bundle. Dimension lumber is aggregated into the following four grade categories: Structural light framing, Structural joists and planks, Light framing, and Stud. The table below shows the grades and uses for these categories. Grade Category Size Grades Common Grade Mix Principal Uses Structural Light Framing 38 to 89mm (2″ to 4″ nom.) thick and wide Select Structural, No.1, No.2, No.3 No.2 and Better Used for engineering applications such as for trusses, lintels, rafters, and joists in the smaller dimensions. Structural Joists and Planks 38 to 89mm (2″ to 4″ nom.) thick and 114mm (5″ nom.) or more wide Select Structural, No.1, No.2, No.3 No.2 and Better Used for engineering applications such as for trusses, lintels, rafters, and joists in the dimensions greater than 114mm (5″ nom.). Light Framing 38 to 89mm (2″ to 4″ nom.) thick and wide Construction, Standard, Utility Standard and Better (Std. & Btr.) Used for general framing where high strength values are not required such as for plates, sills, and blocking. Studs 38 to 89mm (2″ to 4″ nom.) thick and 38 to 140mm (2″ to 6″ nom.) wide and 3m (10′) or less in length Stud, Economy Stud Made principally for use in walls. Stud grade is suitable for bearing wall applications. Economy grade is suitable for temporary applications. Notes: Grades may be bundled individually or they may be individually stamped, but they must be grouped together with the engineering properties dictated by the lowest strength grade in the bundle. The common grade mix shown is the most economical blending of strength for most applications where appearance is not a factor and average strength is acceptable. Except for economy grade, all grades are stress graded, meaning specified strengths have been

Wood is the only major building material that grows naturally and is renewable. With growing pressure to reduce the carbon footprint of the built environment, building designers are increasingly being called upon to balance function and cost objectives of a building with reduced environmental impact. Wood can help to achieve that balance. Numerous life cycle assessment studies worldwide have shown that wood products yield clear environmental advantages over other building materials at every stage. Wood buildings can offer lower greenhouse gas emissions, less air pollution, lower volumes of solid waste and less ecological resource use.
i -Joists

Prefabricated wood I-joists are proprietary structural wood members that consist of fingerjoined solid sawn lumber or laminated veneer lumber (LVL) flanges attached to a plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) web using adhesive. Web panel joints are glued and mated by several methods such as butting of square panel ends, scarfing of the panel ends, or shaping of either a toothed or tongue and groove type joint. Exterior rated, waterproof adhesives such as phenol-formaldehyde and phenol-resorcinol are the principally used for the web to web and web to flange joints. Different combinations of flange and web materials using alternative connections between the web and the flanges are available from several manufacturers (refer to Figure 3.20, below). Wood I-joists are available in a variety of standard depths and in lengths of up to 20 m (66 ft). Each manufacturer produces I-joists with unique strength and stiffness characteristics. To ensure that proprietary products have been manufactured under a quality assurance program supervised by an independent third-party certification organization, manufacturers typically have their products evaluated and registered under the requirements and guidelines of the Canadian Construction Material Centre (CCMC). The cross-sectional “I” shape of these structural wood products provides a higher strength to weight ratio than traditional solid sawn lumber. The uniform stiffness, strength, and light weight of these prefabricated elements allow for use in longer span joist and rafter applications for both residential and commercial construction. Wood I-joists are usually manufactured using untreated flange and web material and therefore, are typically not used for exterior applications. Wood I-joist are also dimensionally stable as they are manufactured with a moisture content between 6 and 12 %. For the installation of mechanical and electrical services, many manufacturers provide requirements and guidance for the shape, size and location of openings, notches, holes and cuts. Most wood I-joist suppliers also stock standard joist hangers and other prefabricated connection hardware specially designed for use with wood I-joists. For further information on wood I-joists, refer to the following resources: APA – The Engineered Wood Association Canadian Construction Material Centre (CCMC), Institute for Research in Construction (NRC) Wood I-Joist Manufacturers Association (WIJMA) CSA O86 Engineering design in wood ASTM D5055 Standard Specification for Establishing and Monitoring Structural Capacities of Prefabricated Wood I-Joists
Laminate Veneer Lumber

First used during World War II to make airplane propellers, laminated veneer lumber (LVL) has been available as a construction product since the mid-1970s. LVL is the most widely used structural composite lumber (SCL) product and provides attributes such as high strength, high stiffness and dimensional stability. The manufacturing process of LVL enables large members to be made from relatively small trees, providing efficient utilization of forest resources. LVL is commonly fabricated using wood species such as Douglas fir, Larch, Southern yellow pine and Poplar. LVL is used primarily as structural framing for residential and commercial construction. Common applications of LVL in construction include headers and beams, hip and valley rafters, scaffold planking, and the flange material for prefabricated wood I-joists. LVL can also been used in roadway sign posts and as truck bed decking. LVL is made of dried and graded wood veneer which is coated with a waterproof phenol-formaldehyde resin adhesive, assembled in an arranged pattern, and formed into billets by curing in a heated press. The LVL billet is then sawn to desired dimensions depending on the end use application. The grain of each layer of veneer runs in the same (long) direction with the result that LVL is able to be loaded on its short edge (strong axis) as a beam or on its wide face (weak axis) as a plank. This type of lamination is called parallel-lamination and produces a material with greater uniformity and predictability than engineered wood products fabricated using cross-lamination, such as plywood. LVL is a solid, highly predictable, uniform lumber product due to the fact that natural defects such as knots, slope of grain and splits have been dispersed throughout the material or have been removed altogether during the manufacturing process. The most common thickness of LVL is 45 mm (1-3/4 in), from which wider beams can be easily constructed by fastening multiple LVL plies together on site. LVL can also be manufactured in thicknesses from 19 mm (3/4 in) to 178 mm (7 in). Commonly used LVL beam depths are 241 mm (9-1/2 in), 302 mm (11-7/8 in), 356 mm (14 in), 406 mm (16 in), 476 mm (18-3/4 in) and 606 mm (23-7/8 in). Other widths and depths might also be available from specific manufacturers. LVL is available in lengths up to 24.4 m (80 ft), while more common lengths are 14.6 m (48 ft), 17 m (56 ft), 18.3 m (60 ft) and 20.1 m (66 ft). LVL can easily be cut to length at the jobsite. All special cutting, notching or drilling should be done in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. LVL is a wood-based product with similar fire performance to a comparably sized solid sawn lumber or glued-laminated beam. Manufacturer’s catalogues and evaluation reports are the primary sources of information for design, typical installation details and performance characteristics. LVL is mainly used as a structural element, most often in concealed spaces where appearance is not important. Finished or architectural grade appearance is available from some manufacturers, usually at an additional cost. However, when it is desired to use LVL in applications where appearance is important, common wood finishing techniques can be used to accent grain and to protect the wood surface. In finished appearance, LVL resembles plywood or lumber on the wide face. As with any other wood product, LVL should be protected from the weather during jobsite storage and after installation. Wrapping of the product for shipment to the job site is important in providing moisture protection. End and edge sealing of the product will enhance its resistance to moisture penetration. LVL is a proprietary product and therefore, the specific engineering properties and sizes are unique to each manufacturer. Thus, LVL does not have a common standard of production and common design values. Design values are derived from test results analysed in accordance with CSA O86 and ASTM D5456 and the design values are reviewed and approved by the Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC). Products meeting the CCMC guidelines receive an Evaluation Number and Evaluation Report that includes the specified design strengths, which are subsequently listed in CCMC’s Registry of Product Evaluations. The manufacturer’s name or product identification and the stress grade is marked on the material at various intervals, but due to end cutting it may not be present on every piece. For further information, refer to the following resources: APA – The Engineered Wood Association Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC), Institute for Research in Construction CSA O86 Engineering design in wood ASTM D5456 Standard Specification for Evaluation of Structural Composite Lumber Products
Laminated Strand Lumber

Laminated Strand Lumber (LSL) is one of the more recent structural composite lumber (SCL) products to come into widespread use. LSL provides attributes such as high strength, high stiffness and dimensional stability. The manufacturing process of LSL enables large members to be made from relatively small trees, providing efficient utilization of forest resources. LSL is commonly fabricated using fast growing wood species such as Aspen and Poplar. LSL is used primarily as structural framing for residential, commercial and industrial construction. Common applications of LSL in construction include headers and beams, tall wall studs, rim board, sill plates, millwork and window framing. LSL also offers good fastener-holding strength. Similar to parallel strand lumber (PSL) and oriented strand lumber (OSL), LSL is made from flaked wood strands that have a length-to-thickness ratio of approximately 150. Combined with an adhesive, the strands are oriented and formed into a large mat or billet and pressed. LSL resembles oriented strand board (OSB) in appearance as they are both fabricated from the similar wood species and contain flaked wood strands, however, unlike OSB, the strands in LSL are arranged parallel to the longitudinal axis of the member. LSL is a solid, highly predictable, uniform engineered wood product due to the fact that natural defects such as knots, slope of grain and splits have been dispersed throughout the material or have been removed altogether during the manufacturing process. Like other SCL products such as LVL and PSL, LSL offers predictable strength and stiffness properties and dimensional stability that minimize twist and shrinkage. All special cutting, notching or drilling should be done in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Manufacturer’s catalogues and evaluation reports are the primary sources of information for design, typical installation details and performance characteristics. As with any other wood product, LSL should be protected from the weather during jobsite storage and after installation. Wrapping of the product for shipment to the job site is important in providing moisture protection. End and edge sealing of the product will enhance its resistance to moisture penetration. LSL is a proprietary product and therefore, the specific engineering properties and sizes are unique to each manufacturer. Thus, LSL does not have a common standard of production and common design values. Design values are derived from test results analysed in accordance with CSA O86 and ASTM D5456 and the design values are reviewed and approved by the Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC). Products meeting the CCMC guidelines receive an Evaluation Number and Evaluation Report that includes the specified design strengths, which are subsequently listed in CCMC’s Registry of Product Evaluations. The manufacturer’s name or product identification and the stress grade is marked on the material at various intervals, but due to end cutting it may not be present on every piece. For further information, refer to the following resources: APA – The Engineered Wood Association Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC), Institute for Research in Construction CSA O86 Engineering design in wood ASTM D5456 Standard Specification for Evaluation of Structural Composite Lumber Products
Life Cycle Assessment

Construction products and the building sector as a whole have significant impacts on the environment. Policy instruments and market forces are increasingly pushing governments and businesses to document and report environmental impacts and track improvements. One tool that is available to help understand the environmental aspects related to new construction, renovation, and retrofits of buildings and civil engineering works is life cycle assessment (LCA). LCA is a decision-making tool that can help to identify design and construction approaches that yield improved environmental performance. Several European jurisdictions, including Germany, Zurich and Brussels, have made LCA a mandatory requirement prior to issuing a building permit. In addition, the application of LCA to building design and materials selection is a component of green building rating systems. LCA can benefit manufacturers, architects, builders, and government agencies by providing quantitative information about potential environmental impacts and providing data to identify areas for improvement. LCA is a performance-based approach to assessing the environmental aspects related to building design and construction. LCA can be used to understand the potential environmental impacts of a product or structure at every stage of its life; from resource extraction or raw material acquisition, transportation, processing and manufacturing, construction, operation, maintenance and renovation to the end-of-life. LCA is an internationally accepted, science-based methodology which has existed in alternative forms since the 1960s. The requirements and guidance for conducting LCA has been established through international consensus standards; ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. LCA considers all input and output flows (materials, energy, resources) associated with a given product system and is an iterative procedure that includes goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation. The inventory analysis, also known as the life cycle inventory (LCI), consists of data collection and the tracking of all input and output flows within a product system. Publicly available LCI databases, such as the U.S. Life Cycle Inventory Database, are accessible free of charge in order to source this LCI data. During the impact assessment phase of the LCA, the LCI flows are translated into potential environmental impact categories using theoretical and empirical environmental modelling techniques. LCA is able to quantify potential environmental impacts and aspects of a product, such as: Global warming potential; Acidification potential; Eutrophication potential; Ozone depletion potential; Smog potential; Primary energy consumption; Material resources consumption; and Hazardous and non-hazardous waste generation. LCA tools are available to building designers that are publicly accessible and user friendly. These tools allow designers to rapidly obtain potential environmental impact information for an extensive range of generic building assemblies or develop full building life cycle assessments on their own. LCA software offers building professionals powerful tools for calculating the potential life cycle impacts of building products or assemblies and performing environmental comparisons. It is also possible to use LCA to perform objective comparisons between alternate materials, assemblies and whole buildings, measured over the respective life cycles and based on quantifiable environmental indicators. LCA enables comparison of the environmental trade-offs associated with choosing one material or design solution over another and, as a result, provides an effective basis for comparing relative environmental implications of alternative building design scenarios. An LCA that examines alternative design options must ensure functional equivalence. Each design scenario considered, including the whole building, must meet building code requirements and offer a minimum level of technical performance or functional equivalence. For something as complex as a building, this means tracking and tallying the environmental inputs and outputs for the multitude of assemblies, subassemblies and components in each design option. The longevity of a building system also impacts the environmental performance. Wood buildings can remain in service for long periods of time if they are designed, built and maintained properly. Numerous LCA studies worldwide have demonstrated that wood building products and systems can yield environmental advantages over other building materials and methods of construction. FPInnovations conducted a LCA of a four-storey building in Quebec constructed using cross-laminated timber (CLT). The study assessed how the CLT design would compare with a functionally equivalent concrete and steel building of the same floor area, and found improved environmental performance in two of six impact categories, and equivalent performance in the rest. In addition, at the end-of-life, bio-based products have the ability to become part of a subsequent product system when reused, recycled or recovered for energy; potentially reducing environmental impacts and contributing to the circular economy. Life cycle of wood construction products Photo source: CEI-Bois For further information, refer to the following resources: Athena Sustainable Materials Institute Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES) FPInnovations. A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Two Multistory Residential Buildings: Cross-Laminated Timber vs. Concrete Slab and Column with Light Gauge Steel Walls, 2013. American Wood Council U.S. Life Cycle Inventory Database ISO 14040 Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Principles and framework ISO 14044 Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines