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Factory Finishing

  • Select heartwood where possible to minimize nutrient content of wood surfaces and prevent nutrients migrating through the coating to support fungal growth on the surface.
  • Round all corners to minimum 5 mm radius to eliminate sharp edges where coating can thin out.
  • Prepare surface by sanding with 100 grit sandpaper to physically and chemically activate the surface.  Pretreatment and coating should be applied immediately after sanding. Research shows sanding can double coating life.
  • Pretreat with an aqueous formulation containing a UV absorber designed to absorb the visible light that must penetrate transparent coatings to permit the wood to be visible. If the subsequent coating is not completely opaque to UV light, a hindered amine light stabilizer should be added to the visible light protection system. Not only does a visible light protection system prevent degradation of the wood-coating interface, it also prevents release of lignin breakdown products that can be used as a food source by black-stain fungi and prevents light induced breakdown of the biocide components. This pre-treatment must also contain three low-dose carbon-based biocides with differing chemistries to provide cross protection against detoxification and with complementary spectra of activity providing resistance to the full range of black-stain fungi. It should ideally have water repellent properties and must maintain wood surface pH close to neutral or slightly alkaline.
  • Apply a transparent water-based catalyzed urethane coating, containing organic and inorganic UV absorbers with absorbance that extends from UVB through to the high-energy part of the visible spectrum (violet light). The coating must virtually eliminate UV from penetrating to the wood, preventing breakdown of wood, biocides and water repellents. This coating will be formulated to be damp-wood friendly to allow application soon after pre-treatment. It will contain no nutrients for fungal growth. It must have an optimum combination of moisture excluding efficiency and vapour permeability to minimize moisture uptake and allow drying after rain. The first coat to be designed to penetrate and bond to the wood, subsequent coats to be designed to ensure maximum intercoat adhesion without sanding between coats. Sufficient coats to be applied to give a film thickness no less than 60 microns to minimize the ability of black-stain fungi to penetrate the film with their infection pegs. The surface layer to have sheeting rather than beading properties to ensure rapid drying after rain or dew, reducing the time available for spore germination.

Additional detailed information on coating wood surfaces has been assembled by the Joint Coatings and Forest Products Committee (http://www.fpl.fs.fed.us/documnts/pdf2004/fpl_2004_bonura001.pdf, 2004).

National Model Codes in Canada

On behalf of the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) the National Research Council (NRC) Codes Canada publishes national model codes documents that set out minimum requirements relating to their scope and objectives. These include the National Building Code (NBC), the National Fire Code (NFC), the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB), the National Plumbing Code (NPC) and other documents. The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) publishes other model codes that address electrical, gas and elevator systems.

The NBC is the model building code in Canada that forms the basis of most building design in the country. The NBC is a highly regarded model building code because it is a consensus-based process for producing a model set of requirements which provide for the health and safety of the public in buildings. Its origins are deeply entrenched within Canadian history and culture and a need to house the growing population of Canada safely and economically. Historical events have shaped many of the health and safety requirements of the NBC.

Model codes such as the NBC and NECB have no force in law until they are adopted by a government authority having jurisdiction. In Canada, that responsibility resides within the provinces, territories and in some cases, municipalities. Most regions choose to adopt the NBC, or adapt their own version derived from the NBC to suit regional needs.

The model codes in Canada are developed by experts, for experts, through a collaborative and consensus-based process that includes input from all segments of the building community. The Canadian model codes build on the best expertise from across Canada and around the world to provide effective building and safety regulations that are harmonized across Canada.

The Codes Canada publications are developed by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC). The CCBFC oversees the work of a number of technical standing committees. Representing all major facets of the construction industry, commission members include building and fire officials, architects, engineers, contractors and building owners, as well as members of the public. Canadian Wood Council representatives hold membership status on several of the standing committees and task groups acting under the CCBFC and participate actively in the technical updates and revisions related to aspects of the Canadian model codes that apply to wood building products and systems.

During any five-year code-revision cycle, there are many opportunities for the Canadian public to contribute to the process. At least twice during the five-year cycle, proposed changes to the Code are published and the public is invited to comment. This procedure is crucial as it allows input from all those concerned and broadens the scope of expertise of the Committees. Thousands of comments are received and examined by the Committees during each cycle. A proposed change may be approved as written, modified and resubmitted for public review at a later date, or rejected entirely.


For further information, refer to the following resources:

Fire Safety Design in Buildings (Canadian Wood Council)

Codes Canada – National Research Council of Canada

National Building Code of Canada


Individuals in the design and construction community are increasingly choosing materials, design techniques and construction procedures that improve a structure’s ability to withstand and recover from extreme events such as intense rain, snow and wind, hurricanes, earthquakes and wildfire. As a result, specifying robust materials and design details, and constructing flexible and easily repairable buildings are becoming important design criteria.

Resilience is the ability to prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, and more successfully adapt to adverse events. For a building, this means being designed to withstand and recover quickly from adverse situations such as flooding and high winds, with an acceptable level of functionality. A structure built to withstand such natural disasters with minimal damage is easier to repair and can contribute to sustainable development. Designing for resilience can contribute to minimizing human risk, reducing material waste and lowering restoration costs.

As a result of shifting weather patterns due to climate change, there is a growing interest in adaptation and designing for resilience. Higher temperatures can increase the odds of more extreme weather events, including severe heat waves and regional changes in floods, droughts and potential for more severe wildfires. There are more intense and more frequent hurricanes, and precipitation often comes in the form of intense single-day events. Warmer winter temperatures cause water to evaporate in the air and if the temperature is still below freezing, this can lead to unusually heavy snow, sleet or freezing rain, even in years when snowfall is lower than average.

A resilient building is able to deal with changes such as a heavier snow load, wider temperature fluctuations, and more extreme wind and rain. Existing wood buildings can be easily adapted or retrofitted if there is a need for increased wind or snow loading. Wood buildings that are properly designed and constructed perform well in all types of climates, even the wettest. Wood tolerates high humidity and can absorb or release water vapour without compromising the structural integrity.

In some regions, climate change is seen to be contributing to increasingly complex wildfire seasons, which results in greater risk of extreme wildfire events. Some wildland fire regulations target specific construction features in wildland-urban interface areas, such as exterior decks, roof coverings, and cladding. A number of wood products meet these regulations for various applications, including heavy timber elements, fire retardant treated wood and some wood species that demonstrate low flame spread ratings (less than 75).


For further information, refer to the following resources:

Resilient and Adaptive Design Using Wood (Canadian Wood Council)

American Wood Council

American Institute of Architects


Wood is biodegradable – that’s a characteristic we normally consider to be one of the benefits of choosing natural materials. Organisms exist that can break down wood into its basic chemicals so that fallen logs in the forest can contribute to the growth of the next generation of life. This process – essential in the forest – must be prevented when we use wood in buildings.

A variety of fungi, insects, and marine borers have the capability to break down the complex polymers which make up the wood structure. In Canada, fungi are a more serious problem than insects. The wood-inhabiting fungi can be separated into moulds, stainers, soft-rot fungi and wood-rotting basidiomycetes. The moulds and stainers can discolour the wood however they do not significantly damage the wood structurally. Soft-rot fungi and wood-rotting basidiomycetes can cause strength loss in wood, with the basidiomycetes the ones responsible for decay problems in buildings. With regard to insects, carpenter ants only cause problems in decayed wood, and significant subterranean termite activity is confined to a few southern areas of Canada. However, other parts of the world have a serious problem with termites.

A decaying log Decayed wood is the result of a series of events including a sequence of fungal colonization. The spores of these fungi are ubiquitous in the air for much of the year. Wood-rotting fungi require wood as their food source, an equable temperature, oxygen and water. Water is normally the only one of these factors that we can easily manage. This may be made more difficult by some fungi, which can transport water to otherwise dry wood. It can also be difficult to control moisture once decay has started, since the fungi produce water as a result of the decay process.

The outer portion of this log is being attacked by a decay fungus. Note that the damage is held back at the line between heartwood and sapwood. To understand why, click here to read about natural durability.


More Information

Click Here for a 26-page paper on biodeterioration, including illustrations and bibliography.

For answers to common questions on decay, visit the FAQ page


Nailing is the most basic and most commonly used means of attaching members in wood frame construction. Common nails and spiral nails are used extensively in all types of wood construction. Historical performance, along with research results have shown that nails are a viable connection for wood structures with light to moderate loads. They are particularly useful in locations where redundancy and ductile connections are required, such as loading under seismic events.

Typical structural applications for nailed connections include:

  • wood frame construction
  • post and beam construction
  • heavy timber construction
  • shearwalls and diaphragms
  • nailed gussets for wood truss construction
  • wood panel assemblies

Nails and spikes are manufactured in many lengths, diameters, styles, materials, finishes and coatings, each designed for a specific purpose and application.

In Canada, nails are specified by the type and length and are still manufactured to Imperial dimensions. Nails are made in lengths from 13 to 150 mm (1/2 to 6 in). Spikes are made in lengths from 100 to 350 mm (4 to 14 in) and are generally stockier than nails, that is, a spike has a larger cross-sectional area than an equivalent length common nail. Spikes are generally longer and thicker than nails and are generally used to fasten heavy pieces of timber.

Nail diameter is specified by gauge number (British Imperial Standard). The gauge is the same as the wire diameter used in the manufacture of the nail. Gauges vary according to nail type and length. In the U.S., the length of nails is designated by “penny” abbreviated “d”. For example, a twenty-penny nail (20d) has a length of four inches.

The most common nails are made of low or medium carbon steels or aluminum. Medium-carbon steels are sometimes hardened by heat treating and quenching to increase toughness. Nails of copper, brass, bronze, stainless steel, monel and other special metals are available if specially ordered. Table 1, below, provides examples of some common applications for nails made of different materials.

TABLE 1: Nail applications for alternative materials

Material Abbreviation Application
Aluminum A For improved appearance and long life: increased strain and corrosion resistance.
Steel – Mild S For general construction.
Steel – Medium Carbon Sc For special driving conditions: improved impact resistance.
Stainless steel, copper and silicon bronze E For superior corrosion resistance: more expensive than hot-dip galvanizing.


Uncoated steel nails used in areas subject to wetting will corrode, react with extractives in the wood, and result in staining of the wood surface. In addition, the naturally occurring extractives in cedars react with unprotected steel, copper and blued or electro-galvanized fasteners. In such cases, it is best to use nails made of non-corrosive material, such as stainless steel, or finished with non-corrosive material such as hot-dipped galvanized zinc. Table 2, below, provides examples of some common applications for alternative finishes and coatings of nails.

TABLE 2: Nail applications for alternative finishes and coatings

Nail Finish or Coating Abbreviation Application
Bright B For general construction, normal finish, not recommended for exposure to weather.
Blued Bl For increased holding power in hardwood, thin oxide finish produced by heat treatment.
Heat treated Ht For increased stiffness and holding power: black oxide finish.
Phoscoated Pt For increased holding power; not corrosion resistant.
Electro galvanized Ge For limited corrosion resistance; thin zinc plating; smooth surface; for interior use.
Hot-dip galvanized Ghd For improved corrosion resistance; thick zinc coating; rough surface; for exterior use.


Pneumatic or mechanical nailing guns have found wide-spread acceptance in North America due to the speed with which nails can be driven. They are especially cost effective in repetitive applications such as in shearwall construction where nail spacing can be considerably closer together. The nails for pneumatic guns are lightly attached to each other or joined with plastic, allowing quick loading nail clips, similar to joined paper staples. Fasteners for these tools are available in many different sizes and types.

Design information provided in CSA O86 is applicable only for common round steel wire nails, spikes and common spiral nails, as defined in CSA B111. The ASTM F1667 Standard is also widely accepted and includes nail diameters that are not included in the CSA B111. Other nail-type fastenings not described in CSA B111 or ASTM F1667 may also be used, if supporting data is available.

Types of Nails 

For more information, refer to the following resources:

International, Staple, Nail, and Tool Association (ISANTA)

CSA O86 Engineering design in wood

CSA B111 Wire Nails, Spikes and Staples

ASTM F1667 Standard Specification for Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes and Staples

Buffalo Crossing

Province: Manitoba
City: Winnipeg
Project Category: Commercial
Major Classification: A2 – Community Halls
Height: 2 storeys
Building Area: 18,000 ft2


WoodWorks Alberta supported design team on the use of mass timber in the Buffalo Crossing project, a new, two-storey, multi-purpose, mass timber building under construction that will become the southern gateway to FortWhyte Alive’s property. The building program includes visitor reception, a retail space, and small coffee service; however, the majority of the space will be dedicated to school and youth programming including day camps and larger scale events. The CLT building is designed to Passive House standards, demonstrating leadership and commitment to climate responsive design. Buffalo Crossing will be Manitoba’s first commercial building to achieve Passive House Certification.

The Goldring Centre – University of Toronto Academic Tower

Province: Ontario
City: Toronto
Project Category: Institutional
Major Classification: D  – Offices
Height: 14 Storeys
Building Area: 176,549 ft2


The University of Toronto’s new academic tower is a14 storey mass timber building, currently under construction, built with GLT components. Realizing an innovative building of this size and complexity that goes beyond prescriptive height limit of the Ontario Building Code required extensive support and a capable, timber experienced project team. Technical project interactions with WoodWorks staff date back to 2016 and we have tracked 21 direct interactions related to this project. A deeper look at our project data reveals that the project team had an additional 23 indirect interactions with the WoodWorks team (attending events, requesting technical documents, etc.). The project team has 28 projects in their combined experience portfolio, indicating an experienced, supported design team was able to push forward an alternative solutions success storey and one of North America’s tallest wood buildings.


Canadian Wood Council and George Brown College’s Brookfield Sustainability Institute to co-host WoodWorks Summit in Toronto

Ottawa, Toronto | 27 March 2024] – The Canadian Wood Council (CWC) and George Brown College’s Brookfield Sustainability Institute (BSI) are thrilled to announce a strategic partnership aimed at fostering education in sustainable construction practices.

Under this partnership, the CWC and BSI will join forces on various initiatives dedicated to accelerating the adoption of sustainable wood construction. Central to this effort is the WoodWorks Summit, which the organizations will co-host in Toronto October 21-25, 2024.

The Summit promises to be a dynamic collection of events that will bring together industry leaders, practitioners, academics, and policymakers to explore the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities in wood construction and sustainability.

“We are excited to embark on this collaborative journey with the Brookfield Sustainability Institute,” said Martin Richard, VP of Market Development and Communications at the Canadian Wood Council. “Together, we aim to drive innovation, share knowledge, and accelerate the adoption of sustainable wood construction.”

The WoodWorks Summit will feature an engaging lineup of events, including keynote speeches, panel discussions, tours, and networking sessions. Attendees can expect to engage with cutting-edge research, best practices, and real-world case studies, all aimed at demonstrating the use of wood as an innovative, high-performance, sustainable building material.

“Our partnership with the Canadian Wood Council underscores our commitment to advancing sustainability in the built environment,” remarked Jacob Kessler, Director of Business Development & Account Management at the Brookfield Sustainability Institute. “By combining our expertise and resources, we can make significant strides to empower the design and construction community with the practical knowledge and technical resources needed to create healthier, more resilient communities with a reduced carbon footprint.”

Through this collaboration, the CWC and BSI aim to catalyze positive change within the construction industry. For more information about the WoodWorks Summit, please visit www.woodworkssummit.ca.

Factory Finishing
National Model Codes in Canada
The Goldring Centre – University of Toronto Academic Tower
Canadian Wood Council and George Brown College’s Brookfield Sustainability Institute to co-host WoodWorks Summit in Toronto

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