Current research includes the World’s largest mass timber fire test – click here for updates on the test results currently being conducted https://firetests.cwc.ca/
- “The Historical Development of the Building Size Limits in the National Building Code of Canada (17 Mb)
- “Case Studies of Risk-to-Life due to Fire in Mid- and High-Rise, Combustible and Non-combustible Buildings Using CUrisk“, by Xia Zhang and George Hadjisophocleous of Carleton University, and Jim Mehaffey of CHM Fire Consultants Ltd. (March 2015) (2.3 Mb)
- “Fire Safety Challenges of Tall Wood Buildings”, by Robert Gerard and David Barber – Arup North America Ltd; Armin Wolski, San Francisco, CA; for the National Fire Protection Association’s Fire Protection Research Foundation (December 2013)
- “The Case for Tall Wood Buildings – How Mass Timber Offers a Safe, Economical, and Environmentally Friendly Alternative for Tall Building Structures“, by mgb ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, Equilibrium Consulting, LMDG Ltd, and BTY Group (February 2012) (8.5 Mb)
- Ontario Tall Wood Reference Guide (8.04 MB)
Fire Research
- Final Report – Full-scale Mass Timber Shaft Demonstration Fire (including the National Research Council test report as an Appendix), by FPInnovations (April 2015)
Acoustics Research and Guides
- RR-331: Guide to calculating airborne sound transmission in buildings (2nd Edition), by the National Research Council (April 2016)
Tall Wood Building Demonstration Initiative Test Reports
(funding provided by Natural Resources Canada)
- CLT Diaphragm Properties
- CLT Firestopping Testing
- Monotonic Quasi-Static Testing of CLT Connections
- Shear Modulus of CLT in plan loading
- Shear Testing of Cross-Laminated Beams
- Full Scale Exterior Wall Test on Nordic CLT System, by the National Research Council (January 2015)
- Client Report A1-005991.1 – Fire Endurance of Cross-Laminated Timber Floor and Wall Assemblies for Tall Wood Buildings, by the National Research Council (December 2014)
- Measurement of Airborne Sound Insulation of Wall & Floor Assemblies
Visit Think Wood’s Research Library for additional resources