
Codes & Standards

Explore important codes and standards for wood construction.

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On behalf of the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) the National Research Council (NRC) Codes Canada publishes national model codes documents that set out...
The current edition of the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) is published in an objective-based format intended to allow more flexibility when evaluating non-traditional...
The National Building Code of Canada (NBC) requires that some buildings be of ‘noncombustible construction’ under its prescriptive requirements. Noncombustible...
CSA O86 Engineering design in wood The National Building Code of Canada (NBC) contains requirements regarding the engineering design of structural wood products and systems....
As identified in the design philosophy of the CSA S-6, safety is the overriding concern in the design of highway bridges in Canada. For wood products, the CSA S-6 addresses...
CSA S406 Specification of permanent wood foundations for housing and small buildings CSA S406 is the design and construction standard for permanent wood foundations (PWF)...
The National Building Code of Canada (NBC) contains requirements regarding the use of treated wood in buildings and the CSA O80 Series of standards is referenced in the NBC...
National Fire Code of Canada The National Building Code of Canada (NBC) and the National Fire Code of Canada (NFC), both published by the National Research Council of Canada...
The National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) aims to help save on energy bills, reduce peak energy demand, and improve the quality and comfort of the building's...
Wood is composed of many small cellular tubes that are predominantly filled with air. The natural composition of the material allows for wood to act as an effective...
The provision of fire safety in a building is a complex matter; far more complex than the relative combustibility of the main structural materials used in a building. To...
In addition to combustible, heavy timber and noncombustible construction, a new construction type is presently being considered for inclusion into the National Building Code...

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