
If you are involved in buildings in any way, as a designer, builder or owner, tune in for a glimpse into structural systems and why wood use is evolving at an unprecedented rate.

Latest Past Events

Light-Frame Wood Solutions Conference – Toronto 2024, 8:00 am

Light-Frame Wood Solutions Conference - Toronto 2024 The Canadian Wood Council is pleased to present this conference highlighting advancements in light wood frame design and construction. This valuable educational conference and trade show is co-hosted by WoodWorks Ontario and the Ontario Structural Wood Association. This specialized event will showcase innovative applications and offsite manufactured strategies that help advance the use

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2024 Ottawa Wood Solutions Conference, 8:00 am

2024 Ottawa Wood Solutions Conference | Conférence Solutions Bois 2024 The Canadian Wood Council's annual wood design conference and trade show in Ottawa, hosted by WoodWorks Ontario is back! Bienvenue au Conférence Solutions Bois, le plus grand événement au Canada consacrée à la conception et à la construction avec les produits du bois. This specialized design and construction conference is

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2024 Calgary Wood Solutions Conference, 8:00 am

Wood Solutions Conference Calgary 2024 The Canadian Wood Council's annual wood design conference and trade show in Calgary, hosted by WoodWorks Alberta is back in person! This specialized design and construction conference is dedicated to showcasing innovative advancements and applications for wood products and building systems in design and construction. Leading-edge experts from near and far will inform and inspire

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